How the HARDI AutoNozzleControl Retrofit Kit Enhance Precision and Maximise Efficiency?

AutoNozzleControl Retrofit Kits 

The AutoNozzleControl Retrofit Kit is designed to make your existing HARDI NAVIGATOR, COMMANDER or ALPHA sprayers more efficient and precise. This application system automatically adjusts the flow rates and spray patterns based on the speed and location of the sprayer. Ultimately leading to healthier crops and higher yields through an optimal distribution of plant protection products.

Read more about HARDI AutoNozzleControl

What do the farmers think of AutoNozzleControl? 

Farmers who have used AutoNozzleControl say that they will not consider back to manual boom switching. Magnus Lorin, a farmer from Sweden who has been using the HARDI sprayer for 25 years now, says, “It is impossible for the driver to achieve the same precision as the GPS system, and the fact that the nozzles automatically turn on and off is unbeatable.” 

The benefits of the single nozzle on/off system extend beyond reducing overspray and saving chemical costs. This system is well known for enhancing precision and maximising efficiency. It offers the farmers convenience by eliminating the guesswork involved so that they can focus on other crucial aspects of their work. 

Easy Installation and Simple to Use 

The AutoNozzleControl Retrofit Kit comes with all the parts and components you need. Everything you need for a successful installation is included in the package in order to ensure a hassle-free and easy installation.

*The retrofit kit is available to ALPHA sprayers with PrimeFlow and Ag Leader terminal.
*The retrofit kit is available in NAVIGATOR with SmartCom and PrimeFlow.
*The retrofit kit is available in COMMANDER if it has PrimeFlow and Ag Leader terminal. 

Contact your HARDI Dealer! 

Are you ready to upgrade your sprayer with the AutoNozzleControl? 
Boost your productivity and ensure precision in every spray job. 

Get in touch with your dealer today and discover the benefits first-hand. 

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