
Meet Per from Sweden, who has recently upgraded to his new AEON 7000 with TWIN FORCE boom and PulseSystem. 

Per cultivates approximately 500 hectares of crops on his farm, including potatoes, onions, sugar beets, beets, grains, and some grass. He also keeps livestock, including 480 sows, slaughter pigs, and a few beef cattle.

“It is primarily the air, and that it pulses so that I get an even distribution of crop protection.”

AEON CENTURA line because… 

What made you choose AEON, HARDI AEON, over other sprayers on the market?

“What I was interested in was having a sprayer that is approved for less wind drift and with air assistance to get the spray liquid in the right place. And then with the steerable axle and now with pulsating nozzles to get an even treated surface,” says Per. 



How would you describe the user-friendliness of the HARDI sprayer?

“It is quite easy to manoeuvre. When you enter the menu, I think it is good to use in the monitor,” says Per. 

Per also adds that he was mostly attracted to the AEON 7000 because of the air assistance and the PulseSustem features. He continues to say, “The air and pulsating nozzles have been used all the time, and I have not used the sprayer without them. And then with the steering of the wheels so that it really follows the tractor's tracks and boom control with height adjustment and such. So, it goes automatically, so I don't have to think about it.” 

Air assistance system and CurveControl

Have there been any particular features that have impressed you?

“Yes, it is the air. You usually see on the boom that some spray agents can colour a lot, but on this one, it has not stuck to the boom. So, you know that you have got the spray where it should be. Then, you also see when you have driven and turned on the headlands, and when they are curved, you see no uneven impact on the crops. Everything we have sprayed has been evenly treated.” says Per. 


Precision application technologies

How have the precision application technologies affected your spray application? 

“The PulseSystem ensures we get an even treatment. Before, we had some problems with inner curves when turning, we got too high an impact on the crops there. But now you see that there is no difference if it is the outer edge or the inner edge of the turn,” says Per. 

Automatic boom height adjustment

Per says that he is happy with the automated features. He adds, “The boom stays even all the time when we drive, so there is no difference in heights. It stays even and follows the entire field.” 

The main advantages of AEON for Per

Per says that the air-assisted spraying system, together with the PulseSystem, are the main advantages for him compared to the other sprayers he has used before. 

According to Per, “It is primarily the air and that it pulses so that I get an even distribution of crop protection.”

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