LINER boom

The LINER boom family is the lightest in structure as well as the narrowest booms in the HARDI vine boom range. The FIX version is never wider than your tank of the sprayer. Being adjustable for height and angle, these spouts ensure the very best spraying methods whenever your row access is restricted. The START holds the spraying device from the upper part, and allows a wider side adjustment. Optionally, HARDI provides hydraulics with adjustment of 2 x 0.35 m

ATLAS boom

Easy to adjust and operate and low maintenance costs. Setting up the ATLAS boom and spraying spouts is very intuitive. No special tools nor long explanations are needed. Every operator soon makes the few adjustments needed to gain the air and spray mix required. Most vine spraying tasks can be met. Early in the season when the vegetation is very open, sprays can be applied from just one side of the row. Adjusting each upper spout to spray both adjoining rows means four row spraying will be your normal practice. Later in the season, your vine vegetation will have greatly increased so the upper spouts can then be adjusted to spray just the two adjoining rows. Spraying these rows from both sides ensures a complete and uniform spray cover despite a big increase in leaf and shoot coverage.

BOXER boom

This boom has horizontal telescopic actions. Telescoping to the desired row width, the boom ensure that most vine spraying needs can be met. The central application device has a horizontal manual adjustment on left and right side. Outer boom wing sections fold out to the spray position when the telescopic sections of the boom have been extended.


The larges boom in the vine sprayer segment. The Solid version, The Rider version differences in the trapeze suspension. It provides a smooth boom stability, and secures a high application quality. The VARIA addition adjust the width, by telescoping the center section to left and right side to a width of 8.2 m The VARIA Double is without the boom wings, and telescope all the way from transport position to max spray with, the boom that holds the OPTIMUS 55

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