The TWIN FORCE boom employs the world’s best system for spray control. Using an adjustable curtain of air to entrain and direct the spray, TWIN FORCE can reduce drift by an astounding 80%. The result is close to no loss of plant protection products or contamination of adjacent areas.
Air-assisted spraying also guarantees better spray penetration and coverage than conventional applications. All this translates into real savings for the farmer of at least 50% on water usage and up to 30% on plant protection products.
TWIN FORCE gets the job done faster. Efficient drift control means more spraying days – up from 31 to 76 days in one study – as well as higher application speeds and fewer filling stops. The result is higher sprayer productivity. In fact, TWIN FORCE will increase your spray capacity by up to 100%.
Read more about HARDI Precision Farming TechnologiesTWIN FORCE gives the operator more options for spray control than other air-assisted sprayers. By adjusting the air curtain’s speed and angle, from no air to full air, in effect producing two sprayers in one (hence the name – TWIN), the operator can guide all droplets, irrespective of size, to the target.
Two powerful blower units provide air to the left and right boom sides. Each blower can be stepless adjusted to a maximum output of 2,000 m³/h per metre of boom and a maximum air speed of 35 m/sec.
Weather dictates most everything a farmer does, and spraying is no exception. Wind in particular can force a farmer to interrupt or post- pone spraying due to drift. With efficient drift control, this is virtually a thing of the past.
Not only does air-assisted spraying prevent small droplets from drifting by blowing them downwards. It also opens the crop to their penetration. The air curtain parts and rustles the crop to expose all surfaces to the spray, and the droplets’ extra momentum created by the air propels them into the crop.
The outstanding performance of TWIN FORCE has been confirmed by numerous case stories from around the world along with field trials and studies.
One independent, scientific study from the Research Centre Flakkebjerg/Aarhus University, Denmark, demonstrated that the spray application quality of a HARDI TWIN sprayer with a 24 m boom was unaffected by high wind at driving speeds of 8 to 12 km/h.
The researchers concluded that TWIN gives a more uniform deposition and significantly lower drift than conventional applications, especially in windy conditions. The study confirmed that TWIN can reduce spray drift by up to 80% – translating into a reduction in use of chemical products of up to 30%.
Read full TWIN test report and weather data