The HARDI AutoTerrain centre meets the growing demand for bigger, wider boom structures.

The AutoTerrain centre uses hydraulically activated roll and built-in coil spring dampening with proportional hydraulics to continually adjust the boom in response to input from the ultrasonic height sensors. The system proactively corrects the boom's relationship to ground contours by tilting the wings and angling the centre through the pendulum.

The pre-emptive stability and auto height control system successfully compensates for boom movements. It seamlessly monitors roll-through at the centre and maintains the boom height above the ground or crop.

Follows the ground like a magnet

AutoTerrain is a fully automatic boom control system that regulates height, slant, tilt and yaw for superb boom stability.

This unrivalled boom management system distinguishes itself from others by preventing rather than correcting unintended boom movements. Using ultrasonic sensors on the boom wings and roll sensors at the centre, it monitors and corrects the boom’s movements before the boom is disturbed.

Outstanding boom stability

The AutoTerrain system has been tested under rigorous field conditions, showing excellent performance when spraying with low boom heights at high driving speeds of more than 15 km/h. When turning on the headland, the system will counter the boom’s natural pendulum tendency to dip on the inner side. The result is a level boom throughout the turn. AutoTerrain all but eliminates the risk of the boom hitting the ground.

Less wear and tear on the boom

A stable boom means less wear and tear on the sprayer as well as its operator. The sprayer will have a longer lifespan, and the operator will experience less fatigue and stress from having to constantly monitor the boom.

AutoTerrain also reduces the risk of drift to the benefit of the farmer and the environment.

AutoTerrain benefits

AutoTerrain monitors the boom height 28 times per second while a role sensor in the centre knows in advance when the boom is going to be tilted from its ideal position.

  • Better boom stability
  • Constant and uniform boom height
  • Lower boom height
  • Better drift control
  • Less risk of boom damage
  • Reduced down time due to breakage
  • Less reliance on operator accuracy
  • Cuts operator fatigue
  • Greater productivity
  • Less wear and tear
HARDI AutoTerrain boom management explained

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