Exclusive to HARDI, H-SELECT Nozzle Technology features:

  • Droplet control

  • Turn compensation

  • Precision rate control

The only effective rate management technology for booms larger than 36m, HARDI H-SELECT ensures precise control over a wide speed range. 

H-SELECT co-ordinates up to four different nozzles at each nozzle body to continually maintain the required target rate across the boom and speed range. This rapid, blended switching between nozzle combinations means H-Select can achieve a target rate accuracy of 90 per cent or better over the entire paddock - virtually eliminating patches of over- or under-dosage.

H-Select on Boom

Larger booms boost productivity – getting more ground covered in the available weather window and sparing the operator many hours on the sprayer.

However the tip-to-tip speed difference across a wide, turning boom is also driving the need for a fast, precise nozzle. The outer tip of a 48.5 m boom travels considerably faster than the inner tip in every turn – leading to significant under- and over-dosing around headlands or any obstacle in the paddock. 

HARDI solves the problem by combining multi-tiered spraying with the H-SELECT system. It provides accurate target rate control over the widest possible speed range.

Operators are able to plan their H-SELECT set-up with the complementary Nozzle Watch desktop application for Windows® PCs. 

This software automatically calculates the optimum nozzle selection for a desired droplet size, target rate and speed range. Alternatively, operators can specify nozzles or specify fewer than four (keeping one position free for a fertilizer nozzle, for example).

Nozzle Watch then displays nozzle combinations and speed bands, plus overall rate accuracy for the job. Use all four recommended nozzles and that will usually be 90% or above. 

H-SELECT features: 

  • Nozzle Droplet Control
  • Turn compensation
  • Precision Rate Control

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about H-Select and how it can assist in maintaining the required target rate across the boom and speed range.

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