Spraying agricultural chemicals requires balancing drift control and coverage. Choice of nozzle type and size may have to balance the need to ensure optimal biological effect with a consideration for wind drift, sprayer capacity and sprayer speed.
Most importantly; always follow label recommendations regarding application rate and required spray quality
The pesticide dosage, otherwise known as application rate, is the amount of pesticide required for a given area of a particular crop. The application rate is stated on the label and may have a minimum and maximum value and a recommended water volume. The application rate depends on crop and pest stage, weather conditions, and application techniques being used.
A sprayer and its operating capacity is largely dependent on tank and boom size. Larger booms allow for greater coverage per pass, and a larger tank allows greater coverage between filling which is often the most time consuming component of spraying (especially when water access is limited).
Most nozzles are designed to be used 500mm off target as this provides double overlap for the best coverage. HARDI's AutoHeight and AutoTerrain systems ensure that the boom stays at the recommended and desired height throughout spraying.
Droplet size is important and your need will differ according to conditions and type of crop. HARDI nozzles follow the ISO25358 standards. There are 7 size classifications; ranging from very fine (VF) to ultra course (UC).
Ultra (UC) and Extremely (XC) course are important in relation to drift reduction and spraying in buffer zones.
The spray cloud produced from a given spray nozzle usually consist of a variety of droplet sizes. VMD or Volume Median Diameter is used to describe the droplet size range and is the point at which half the droplets are bigger and half the droplets are smaller.
There is no perfect droplet size so it is important to understand that while relatively large droplets are less susceptible to drift and are better at penetrating a crop canopy, they often end up on the ground while small drops give better coverage and remain on the leaf but are susceptible to drift and loss to evaporation.
The HARDI TWINFORCE boom provides air assistance, with a tapered airbag along its length to ensure consistent air volume and velocity. It uses a curtain of air to push the droplets down into the canopy, increasing coverage and reducing drift.
HARDI H-Select includes 4 nozzle switching which allows for a huge variation of speed and pressure, providing turn compensation, variable rate technology, and the ability to change droplet size on the fly from the cab.
HARDI GeoSelect works with H-Select or ActivAir to precisely coordinate four different nozzles at each nozzle body. 1 to spot spray and 3 others rapidly switching between nozzle combinations to maintain the required dose.
FlatFan nozzles provide spray quality from Fine (F) through the Very Course (VC) and are recommended for all types of pesticide application where optimum coverage is demanded and where drift is not important.
Available in sizes 0075-10
LowDrift nozzles provide spray quality from Medium (M) to Very Coarse (VC) and are recommended when optimum spraying conditions can not be achieved (risk of drift) and spraying can not be postponed.
Available in sizes 010-05
MiniDrift nozzles provide spray quality from Medium (M) to Very Coarse (VC). These come standard on all HARDI sprayers as they meet the widest range of requirements for all applications.
Available in sizes 015-05
Available in sizes 02-05
Available in sizes 02-05
Click here for more information on the new NanoDrift nozzle